Source code for sophys.common.utils.registry

from itertools import chain
import logging
from contextlib import contextmanager
import functools
import re
import threading
import typing

__global_registries = dict()
__global_registry_names = dict()
__auto_register = threading.local()

[docs] def in_autoregister_context() -> bool: """Returns whether the current execution context is auto registering new devices to a registry.""" return hasattr(__auto_register, "val") and __auto_register.val is not None
[docs] def get_named_registry(registry_name: str, create_if_missing: bool = False): """ Get the instance of ophyd-registry's Registry associated with ``register_name``. If ``create_if_missing`` is ``True``, create a new Registry for that name if it is missing, otherwise raise a ``RuntimeError``. """ global __global_registries if registry_name not in __global_registries: if create_if_missing: return create_named_registry(registry_name) else: raise RuntimeError( "There are no registries named '{}'. Available registries:\n {}".format( registry_name, ", ".join(__global_registries.keys()) ) ) return __global_registries.get(registry_name)
[docs] def create_named_registry(registry_name: str): """ Create a new Registry associated with ``registry_name``, clearing an existing one if it does. The created instance has ``auto_registrer`` set to ``False``, so you must explicitly register devices to it. Check :func:`register_devices` for some convenience. Returns the created / cleared Registry instance. """ try: from ophydregistry import Registry except ImportError: logging.error("Package 'ophyd-registry' is missing.") return global __global_registries global __global_registry_names if len(__global_registries) == 0: def instantiation_callback(obj): if in_autoregister_context(): get_named_registry(__auto_register.val).register(obj) from ophyd import ophydobj ophydobj.OphydObject.add_instantiation_callback( instantiation_callback, fail_if_late=False ) try: registry = get_named_registry(registry_name, create_if_missing=False) registry.clear() return registry except RuntimeError: registry = Registry(auto_register=False) __global_registries[registry_name] = registry __global_registry_names[registry] = registry_name return registry
[docs] def get_registry_name(registry): """Return the name associated with this registry.""" global __global_registry_names return __global_registry_names[registry]
[docs] def get_all_registries(): """Return all the Registry instances currently instantiated.""" global __global_registries return __global_registries.values()
[docs] def get_all_root_devices(as_dict: bool = False, use_registry_name: bool = True): """ Return all the root devices from all the registries currently instantiated. Parameters ---------- as_dict : bool, optional If True, return a dictionary, as per :func:`to_variable_dict`. Otherwise, return a list of all root devices. Defaults to False. """ registries = get_all_registries() if as_dict: return to_variable_dict(registries, use_registry_name) return list(chain.from_iterable(v.root_devices for v in registries))
[docs] def get_all_devices( as_dict: bool = False, include_components: bool = False, use_registry_name: bool = True, use_dotted_name: bool = True, ): """ Return all the devices from all the registries currently instantiated. Parameters ---------- as_dict : bool, optional If True, return a dictionary, as per :func:`to_variable_dict`. Otherwise, return a list of all devices. Defaults to False. include_components : bool, optional If True, return all registered devices and components. use_registry_name : bool, optional If True, prepend the containing registry name to the device's name in the dict key. Defaults to True. use_dotted_name : bool, optional If True, use the dotted name, with hierarchical information, in the dict key. Otherwise, use `name`. Defaults to True. """ root_devices = get_all_root_devices(True, use_registry_name) devices = root_devices.copy() for key, dev in root_devices.items(): devices[key] = dev it = [] if include_components and hasattr(dev, "_signals"): it = dev._signals.items() elif hasattr(dev, "walk_subdevices"): it = dev.walk_subdevices(include_lazy=True) for child_dotted_name, child in it: pattern = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]") clear_name = functools.partial(re.sub, pattern, "_") name = clear_name(child_dotted_name if use_dotted_name else if use_registry_name: name = key + "_" + name devices[name] = child if not as_dict: return list(chain.from_iterable(devices.values())) return devices
def find_all( any_of: typing.Optional[str] = None, *, label: typing.Optional[str] = None, name: typing.Optional[str] = None, allow_none: typing.Optional[bool] = False, ): res = list( chain.from_iterable( i.findall(any_of=any_of, label=label, name=name, allow_none=True) for i in get_all_registries() ) ) if len(res) == 0 and not allow_none: from ophydregistry.exceptions import ComponentNotFound raise ComponentNotFound( 'Could not find components matching: label="{}", name="{}"'.format( label or any_of, name or any_of ) ) return res
[docs] def remove_all_named(name: str): """Remove all devices with a given name from all registries.""" registries = get_all_registries() for reg in registries: devs = reg.findall(name=name, allow_none=True) for dev in devs: reg.pop(dev)
[docs] @contextmanager def register_devices(registry_name: str): """ Context Manager for registering instantiated devices inside it to ``registry_name``. For instance, to register devices ``a`` and ``b`` to registry ``beamline_a``, and devices ``c``, ``d``, and ``e`` to registry ``beamline_b``, you could do something like: .. code-block:: python # ... with register_devices("beamline_a"): DeviceAClass(name="a") DeviceBClass(name="b") with register_devices("beamline_b"): DeviceCClass(name="c") DeviceDClass(name="d") DeviceEClass(name="e") """ _ = get_named_registry( registry_name, True ) # Ensure the registry exists without clearing it if it does. __auto_register.val = registry_name yield __auto_register.val = None
[docs] def to_variable_dict(registries: typing.Iterable, use_registry_name: bool = True): """ Turns a registry (or set of registries) into a dictionary, intended of being used as such: - ``globals().update(<return value>)`` - ``locals().update(<return value>)`` """ def process_name(registry, name: str, use_registry_name: bool = True): pattern = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]") clear_name = functools.partial(re.sub, pattern, "_") device_name = clear_name(name) registry_name = clear_name(get_registry_name(registry)) if use_registry_name: return "{}_{}".format(registry_name, device_name) return device_name ret = {} for registry in registries: ret.update( { process_name(registry,, use_registry_name): d for d in registry.root_devices } ) return ret
try: from ophydregistry.registry import Registry except ImportError: pass else: find_all.__doc__ = Registry.findall.__doc__