The functionality in this module can only be used if ophyd-registry
is installed.
If you installed the package via pip
, either adding the registry
extra, or using all
ought to work.
- sophys.common.utils.registry.create_named_registry(registry_name: str)[source]
Create a new Registry associated with
, clearing an existing one if it does.The created instance has
set toFalse
, so you must explicitly register devices to it. Checkregister_devices()
for some convenience.Returns the created / cleared Registry instance.
- sophys.common.utils.registry.get_all_devices(as_dict: bool = False, include_components: bool = False, use_registry_name: bool = True, use_dotted_name: bool = True)[source]
Return all the devices from all the registries currently instantiated.
- Parameters:
as_dict (bool, optional) – If True, return a dictionary, as per
. Otherwise, return a list of all devices. Defaults to False.include_components (bool, optional) – If True, return all registered devices and components.
use_registry_name (bool, optional) – If True, prepend the containing registry name to the device’s name in the dict key. Defaults to True.
use_dotted_name (bool, optional) – If True, use the dotted name, with hierarchical information, in the dict key. Otherwise, use name. Defaults to True.
- sophys.common.utils.registry.get_all_registries()[source]
Return all the Registry instances currently instantiated.
- sophys.common.utils.registry.get_all_root_devices(as_dict: bool = False, use_registry_name: bool = True)[source]
Return all the root devices from all the registries currently instantiated.
- Parameters:
as_dict (bool, optional) – If True, return a dictionary, as per
. Otherwise, return a list of all root devices. Defaults to False.
- sophys.common.utils.registry.get_named_registry(registry_name: str, create_if_missing: bool = False)[source]
Get the instance of ophyd-registry’s Registry associated with
, create a new Registry for that name if it is missing, otherwise raise aRuntimeError
- sophys.common.utils.registry.get_registry_name(registry)[source]
Return the name associated with this registry.
- sophys.common.utils.registry.in_autoregister_context() bool [source]
Returns whether the current execution context is auto registering new devices to a registry.
- sophys.common.utils.registry.register_devices(registry_name: str)[source]
Context Manager for registering instantiated devices inside it to
.For instance, to register devices
to registrybeamline_a
, and devicesc
, ande
to registrybeamline_b
, you could do something like:# ... with register_devices("beamline_a"): DeviceAClass(name="a") DeviceBClass(name="b") with register_devices("beamline_b"): DeviceCClass(name="c") DeviceDClass(name="d") DeviceEClass(name="e")
- class sophys.common.utils.signals.EpicsSignalCmd(prefix, **kwargs)[source]
A EpicsSignal with Cmd added to prefix.
- class sophys.common.utils.signals.EpicsSignalWithCustomReadout(read_pv, write_pv, enforce_type=None, **kwargs)[source]
An EpicsSignal subclass extending the validation of the result of a ‘set’ operation.
This is useful in cases where the readout of a particular ‘set’ is different from the value you set, like when making a command to an IOC, and expecting a “Done” string in return.
- Parameters:
enforce_type (type, optional) – Whether to try to apply a type conversion to the readout value. If not set, defaults to not trying any type conversion (the default EpicsSignal behavior).
- set(value, *, expected_readout=None, timeout=5.0, settle_time=None)[source]
Set the value of the Signal and return a Status object.
If put completion is used for this EpicsSignal, the status object will complete once EPICS reports the put has completed.
Otherwise the readback will be polled until equal to ‘expected_readout’, and if ‘enforce_type’ was set in the constructor, both of the values will be cast to that type, raising an Exception if the conversion is not possible.
- Parameters:
value (any) –
expected_readout (any, optional) – Expected value of the ‘read_pv’ after successfully setting the value. If not set, defaults to ‘value’.
timeout (float, optional) – Maximum time to wait.
settle_time (float, optional) – Delay after the set() has completed to indicate completion to the caller
- Returns:
- Return type:
See also
- class sophys.common.utils.signals.EpicsSignalWithCustomReadoutRBV(write_pv, **kwargs)[source]
An EpicsSignalWithCustomReadout subclass setting the read_pv to ‘write_pv + _RBV’ by default.
- class sophys.common.utils.signals.EpicsSignalWithRBSP(prefix, **kwargs)[source]
A simple Signal with a similar logic of EpicsSignalWithRBV, but pvname is -RB and write_pv is -SP.
- sophys.common.utils.signals.add_components_to_device(obj: Device, components: Iterable[tuple[str, Component]], *, for_each_sig: Callable | None = None)[source]
Add a collection of components to a device, after it has been initialized.
- Parameters:
obj (Device) – The device to which the components will be added.
components (iterable of (component name, component) tuples) – The components that will be added to obj.
for_each_sig (callable, optional) –
Callback that is called on each signal addition, with signature (name: str, sig: Signal) -> Any.
By default, it does nothing.
One common usage is to call setattr of the signal to its parent.
Add four signals named
, each with prefixCH{x}
:components = ( ( f"channel_{i}", Component(EpicsSignal, f"CH{i}:"), ) for i in range(1, 5) ) add_components_to_device( obj, components, for_each_sig=lambda name, sig: setattr(self, name, sig) )
Add an arbitrary number of signals named
, each with prefixSC{x}
, while also adding them to a listscales
:def for_each_sig(name, sig): setattr(self, name, sig) self.scales.append(sig) n_scales = 8 components = ( (f"scale_{i}", Component(Scale, f"SC{i}:")) for i in range(n_scales) ) add_components_to_device(self, components, for_each_sig=for_each_sig)
Data access
Acessing recently generated data inside a plan can sometimes be useful, allowing an additional degree of liberty in automating procedures in a plan. However, it conflicts with the fact that local storage is not the end location of that data: for information to be processed and analized for its scientific merits, it needs to be accessible at a later time, and for that to happen, it’s end storage medium is Ibira. And, as with any other EPICS-based data collection procedure, area detectors save directly to Ibira, bypassing the orchestration layer.
Because of that, local reasoning based on generated data from a recent run is limited
in scope, and can only do so much. It is, nonetheless, still useful in some cases, and
is supported directly in Bluesky, through the bluesky.plan_stubs.subscribe()
stub plans, which allows us to configure callbacks
in the bluesky.RunEngine
inside a plan, so we can attach a local databroker
instance to collect the data right there.
Below is an example of such:
from bluesky import RunEngine, plan_stubs as bps
from bluesky.plans import count
from ophyd.sim import hw
from databroker.v2 import temp as db_temp
from sophys.common.plans.annotated_default_plans import DETECTORS_TYPE, MD_TYPE
def example_plan(detectors: DETECTORS_TYPE, *, num=10, md: MD_TYPE = None):
md = md or {}
_md = {**md, "my_other_thing_key": "my_other_thing_value"}
db = db_temp()
# Make all Bluesky events go to the databroker catalog
token = (yield from bps.subscribe("all", db.v1.insert))
uid = (yield from count(detectors, num=num, delay=0, md=_md))
# Remove the databroker catalog callback
yield from bps.unsubscribe(token)
data_from_count = db[uid]
# Do some (basic) stuff with our data!
data_from_count = data_from_count.primary.read()
data_med = float(sum(data_from_count.rand) / len(data_from_count.rand))
print("Median (n={}): {:.5f}".format(num, data_med))
if abs(data_med - 0.5) > 0.0025:
new_num = num * 2
print("Not enough data! Will retry with n={}".format(new_num))
yield from example_plan(detectors, num=new_num, md=md)
if __name__ == "__main__":
RE = RunEngine({})
rand = hw().rand
rand.kind = "hinted" # Specific to the simulated random device
rand.start_simulation() # Specific to the simulated random device
- class sophys.common.utils.DebugOptions(file: Union[io.IOBase, str, NoneType] = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, datefmt: str = '%H:%M:%S', color: bool = True, level: Union[str, int] = 'DEBUG')[source]
- color: bool = True
Whether to use colored output in the logs.
- datefmt: str = '%H:%M:%S'
What formatting to use for the date of an event.
- file: IOBase | str | None = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>
Where to save the log.
- level: str | int = 'DEBUG'
What is the minimum level of logging that will be processed.
- class sophys.common.utils.HDF5PluginWithFileStore(prefix: str, *, override_path: bool = False, write_path_template='/tmp', read_attrs=[], **kwargs)[source]
A simple HDF5 plugin class, with some additional behavior (see Parameters and Attributes below).
- Parameters:
prefix (str) – Prefix of this plugin (e.g. ‘HDF1:’)
override_path (bool, optional) – Whether to use the common override logic of HDF5 ophyd plugins. By default, it is disabled (the currently configured PV values will be used)
write_path_template (str, optional) – Used when override_path is True. By default it is /tmp.
- warmup_acquire_time
The value to set AcquireTime when doing a warmup. Defaults to 1.0.
- Type:
- warmup_acquire_period
The value to set AcquirePeriod when doing a warmup. Defaults to 1.0.
- Type:
- warmup_signal_timeout
The timeout to pass to each set().wait() call in the warmup. Defaults to 5.0.
- Type:
- make_filename()[source]
Make a filename.
This is a hook so that the read and write paths can either be modified or created on disk prior to configuring the areaDetector plugin.
- Returns:
filename (str) – The start of the filename
read_path (str) – Path that ophyd can read from
write_path (str) – Path that the IOC can write to
- stage()[source]
Stage the device for data collection.
This method is expected to put the device into a state where repeated calls to
will ‘do the right thing’.Staging not idempotent and should raise
if staged twice without an intermediateunstage()
.This method should be as fast as is feasible as it does not return a status object.
The return value of this is a list of all of the (sub) devices stage, including it’s self. This is used to ensure devices are not staged twice by the
.This is an optional method, if the device does not need staging behavior it should not implement stage (or unstage).
- Returns:
devices – list including self and all child devices staged
- Return type:
- unstage()[source]
Unstage the device.
This method returns the device to the state it was prior to the last stage call.
This method should be as fast as feasible as it does not return a status object.
This method must be idempotent, multiple calls (without a new call to ‘stage’) have no effect.
- Returns:
devices – list including self and all child devices unstaged
- Return type:
- class sophys.common.utils.HDF5PluginWithFileStoreV34(prefix: str, *, override_path: bool = False, write_path_template='/tmp', read_attrs=[], **kwargs)[source]
A simple HDF5 plugin class, with some additional behavior (see Parameters and Attributes below).
- Parameters:
prefix (str) – Prefix of this plugin (e.g. ‘HDF1:’)
override_path (bool, optional) – Whether to use the common override logic of HDF5 ophyd plugins. By default, it is disabled (the currently configured PV values will be used)
write_path_template (str, optional) – Used when override_path is True. By default it is /tmp.
- warmup_acquire_time
The value to set AcquireTime when doing a warmup. Defaults to 1.0.
- Type:
- warmup_acquire_period
The value to set AcquirePeriod when doing a warmup. Defaults to 1.0.
- Type:
- warmup_signal_timeout
The timeout to pass to each set().wait() call in the warmup. Defaults to 5.0.
- Type:
- sophys.common.utils.is_in_queueserver() bool [source]
Returns whether the current code is running in a queueserver environment (e.g. in the startup sequence), or not.
This is very similar to queueserver’s
, but without a hard dependency on queueserver.
- sophys.common.utils.set_debug_mode(run_engine: RunEngine, bluesky_debug: bool | DebugOptions | None = None, ophyd_debug: bool | DebugOptions | None = None, mock_commands: bool = True, print_documents: bool = False, print_messages: bool = False) dict [source]
Enables / disables debugging facilities for bluesky / ophyd.
- Parameters:
run_engine (RunEngine) – The RunEngine on which to set the debug options. Note that the bluesky and ophyd debug options are global, so they affect all RunEngines.
bluesky_debug (DebugOptions or bool, optional) – Whether to enable / disable debug logging, or options to pass to bluesky’s logging configuration. Passing None will leave the configurations unchanged.
ophyd_debug (DebugOptions or bool, optional) – Whether to enable / disable debug logging, options to pass to ophyd’s logging configuration. Passing None will leave the configurations unchanged.
mock_commands (bool, optional) –
Whether to mock all of ‘run_engine’s commands, replacing the default commands for dummy ones that only print to stdout what it would have done. Defaults to True.
If it is set, the return’s “old_commands” key will be set to a dictionary, in which each command name (key) will be associated with the old command function (value).
print_documents (bool, optional) –
Whether to subscribe ‘run_engine’ to a callback that prints every document generated. Defaults to False.
If it is set, the return’s “print_sub_id” key will be set to the subscription ID returned by the RunEngine.
print_messages (bool, optional) –
Whether to override ‘run_engine’s ‘msg_hook’ attribute to print every generated Msg object. Defaults to False.
If it is set, the return’s “old_msg_hook” key will be set to the last function in ‘msg_hook’.