# Test cellpose to segment cells
This notebook tests the cellpose algorithm to segment cells. We found that the model (cyto3) worked better after a preprocessing step were we apply a gaussian filter to each channel and then rescale the intensity.
from cellpose import models
from glob import glob
import imageio.v3 as iio
import skimage as ski
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
model = models.CellposeModel(gpu= True , model_type= 'cyto3' )
ims_to_cellpose = []
ims_cyto = []
ims_cyto_pre = []
for im_fn in glob('data/ome-tiff/*/*tif' )[:10 ]:
im = iio.imread(im_fn)
# maximum intensity projection
im_nuclei = im[0 ].max (axis= 0 )
im_cytoplasm = im[1 ].max (axis= 0 )
im_cyto_pre = im_cytoplasm
# im_cyto_pre = ski.exposure.rescale_intensity(np.clip(im_cytoplasm,0,30), in_range=(0,30))
# im_cyto_pre = ski.exposure.rescale_intensity(np.clip(im_cytoplasm, 0, 20), out_range=(0.0,1.0))
im_cyto_pre = ski.filters.gaussian(im_cyto_pre, sigma= 0.5 )
im_cyto_pre = ski.exposure.rescale_intensity(im_cyto_pre,out_range= (0 ,1 ))
im_nuclei_pre = im_nuclei
im_nuclei_pre = ski.filters.gaussian(im_nuclei_pre, sigma= 1 )
im_nuclei_pre = ski.exposure.rescale_intensity(im_nuclei_pre,out_range= (0 ,1 ))
ims_to_cellpose.append(np.stack([im_cyto_pre, im_nuclei_pre], axis= 0 ))
# break
# fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(ims_cyto), 2, constrained_layout=True, figsize=(6, 3*len(ims_cyto)))
# for idx in range(len(ims_cyto)):
# axs[idx,0].imshow(ims_cyto[idx], cmap='gray')
# axs[idx,1].imshow(ims_cyto_pre[idx], vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='gray')
# axs[idx,0].axis('off')
# axs[idx,1].axis('off')
masks, flows, styles = model.eval (ims_to_cellpose, channels= [0 ,1 ], diameter= 100 , normalize= True , min_size= 30 )
fig, axs = plt.subplots(len (masks), 3 , constrained_layout= True , figsize= (9 , 3 * len (masks)))
for idx, mask in enumerate (masks):
axs[idx, 0 ].imshow(ims_cyto[idx], cmap= 'magma' )
axs[idx, 1 ].imshow(ims_cyto_pre[idx], cmap= 'grey' )
axs[idx, 2 ].imshow(ims_cyto_pre[idx], cmap= 'grey' )
axs[idx, 2 ].imshow(ski.color.label2rgb(mask), alpha= 0.5 )
axs[idx, 2 ].contour(mask, linewidths= 0.1 , colors= 'red' )
axs[idx,0 ].axis('off' )
axs[idx,1 ].axis('off' )
axs[idx,2 ].axis('off' )