3  Statistical analyses

Statistical analyses were conducted using Python’s Pingouin library (version 5.5) to evaluate differences between groups. The Mann-Whitney U test was employed to compare group similarities with respect to stress granules area and the count of stress granules per cell, as this non-parametric test is appropriate for assessing differences between two independent groups without assuming normality of data distribution. Statistical significance was determined at a p-value threshold of 0.05, with results reported as median values and interquartile ranges to appropriately represent the distribution of non-normally distributed data (boxplots and violinplots).

3.1 Stress granule area

In this section we report the results of the Mann-Whitney U test for stress granule area.

Heatmap of Mann-Whitney U test results for stress granule area

The table below shows the results of the Mann-Whitney U test for stress granule area.

a b pval effsize sig
0 WT_CT WT_CT 1.000000e+00 0.000000
1 WT_CT WT_ARS 1.444819e-08 -0.491300 ***
2 WT_CT WT_GLU-40min 3.723332e-18 -0.712830 ***
3 WT_CT R326H_CT 2.869549e-01 0.370567
4 WT_CT R326H_ARS 4.694069e-13 -0.645084 ***
5 WT_CT R326H_GLU-40min 1.979906e-14 -0.658083 ***
6 WT_CT L556S_CT 1.833748e-01 -0.100994
7 WT_CT L556S_ARS 2.489017e-08 -0.454045 ***
8 WT_CT L556S_GLU-40min 8.642237e-16 -0.651920 ***
9 WT_ARS WT_ARS 1.000000e+00 0.000000
10 WT_ARS WT_GLU-40min 1.518014e-09 -0.344289 ***
11 WT_ARS R326H_CT 7.476797e-04 0.811269 ***
12 WT_ARS R326H_ARS 4.147449e-04 -0.243542 ***
13 WT_ARS R326H_GLU-40min 5.469063e-06 -0.315777 ***
14 WT_ARS L556S_CT 4.041335e-07 0.414520 ***
15 WT_ARS L556S_ARS 6.819676e-01 -0.034364
16 WT_ARS L556S_GLU-40min 3.026860e-08 -0.355838 ***
17 WT_GLU-40min WT_GLU-40min 1.000000e+00 0.000000
18 WT_GLU-40min R326H_CT 1.341227e-05 0.945012 ***
19 WT_GLU-40min R326H_ARS 3.504465e-02 0.107662 *
20 WT_GLU-40min R326H_GLU-40min 1.774624e-01 0.008097
21 WT_GLU-40min L556S_CT 3.408725e-19 0.659057 ***
22 WT_GLU-40min L556S_ARS 1.747310e-11 0.297401 ***
23 WT_GLU-40min L556S_GLU-40min 6.470862e-01 -0.065804
24 R326H_CT R326H_CT 1.000000e+00 0.000000
25 R326H_CT R326H_ARS 1.447696e-04 -0.892613 ***
26 R326H_CT R326H_GLU-40min 1.190401e-04 -0.875171 ***
27 R326H_CT L556S_CT 8.852778e-02 -0.511138
28 R326H_CT L556S_ARS 9.773745e-04 -0.716146 ***
29 R326H_CT L556S_GLU-40min 7.071967e-05 -0.843682 ***
30 R326H_ARS R326H_ARS 1.000000e+00 0.000000
31 R326H_ARS R326H_GLU-40min 3.447954e-01 -0.094542
32 R326H_ARS L556S_CT 8.781866e-13 0.588608 ***
33 R326H_ARS L556S_ARS 7.002608e-05 0.195383 ***
34 R326H_ARS L556S_GLU-40min 7.151400e-02 -0.158782
35 R326H_GLU-40min R326H_GLU-40min 1.000000e+00 0.000000
36 R326H_GLU-40min L556S_CT 1.662738e-14 0.606451 ***
37 R326H_GLU-40min L556S_ARS 3.767650e-07 0.275572 ***
38 R326H_GLU-40min L556S_GLU-40min 3.167485e-01 -0.071998
39 L556S_CT L556S_CT 1.000000e+00 0.000000
40 L556S_CT L556S_ARS 9.733764e-07 -0.389053 ***
41 L556S_CT L556S_GLU-40min 1.224795e-16 -0.605562 ***
42 L556S_ARS L556S_ARS 1.000000e+00 0.000000
43 L556S_ARS L556S_GLU-40min 5.722174e-10 -0.323537 ***
44 L556S_GLU-40min L556S_GLU-40min 1.000000e+00 0.000000

3.2 Stress granule count

In this section we report the results of the Mann-Whitney U test for stress granule count.

The table below shows the results of the Mann-Whitney U test for stress granule count.

a b pval effsize sig
0 WT_CT WT_CT 1.000000e+00 0.000000
1 WT_CT WT_ARS 2.328439e-38 -0.658002 ***
2 WT_CT WT_GLU-40min 2.991894e-45 -0.686770 ***
3 WT_CT R326H_CT 5.077542e-06 0.257577 ***
4 WT_CT R326H_ARS 1.071489e-95 -1.797017 ***
5 WT_CT R326H_GLU-40min 3.311004e-110 -1.312007 ***
6 WT_CT L556S_CT 9.752523e-13 -0.423307 ***
7 WT_CT L556S_ARS 2.390978e-108 -1.691925 ***
8 WT_CT L556S_GLU-40min 1.000682e-127 -1.347347 ***
9 WT_ARS WT_ARS 1.000000e+00 0.000000
10 WT_ARS WT_GLU-40min 9.478483e-02 -0.176939
11 WT_ARS R326H_CT 4.024982e-37 0.705919 ***
12 WT_ARS R326H_ARS 2.172558e-28 -0.922284 ***
13 WT_ARS R326H_GLU-40min 1.176457e-32 -0.743579 ***
14 WT_ARS L556S_CT 9.983112e-06 0.319120 ***
15 WT_ARS L556S_ARS 1.378148e-34 -0.974151 ***
16 WT_ARS L556S_GLU-40min 2.196790e-47 -0.926617 ***
17 WT_GLU-40min WT_GLU-40min 1.000000e+00 0.000000
18 WT_GLU-40min R326H_CT 8.598319e-40 0.695015 ***
19 WT_GLU-40min R326H_ARS 6.379375e-22 -0.644555 ***
20 WT_GLU-40min R326H_GLU-40min 8.358479e-26 -0.541465 ***
21 WT_GLU-40min L556S_CT 3.678879e-08 0.420856 ***
22 WT_GLU-40min L556S_ARS 3.873608e-28 -0.732669 ***
23 WT_GLU-40min L556S_GLU-40min 2.057891e-41 -0.787748 ***
24 R326H_CT R326H_CT 1.000000e+00 0.000000
25 R326H_CT R326H_ARS 7.588849e-78 -1.586718 ***
26 R326H_CT R326H_GLU-40min 1.283138e-82 -1.186750 ***
27 R326H_CT L556S_CT 9.251632e-21 -0.617582 ***
28 R326H_CT L556S_ARS 2.928305e-85 -1.471787 ***
29 R326H_CT L556S_GLU-40min 1.678989e-92 -1.188644 ***
30 R326H_ARS R326H_ARS 1.000000e+00 0.000000
31 R326H_ARS R326H_GLU-40min 2.412129e-01 0.054510
32 R326H_ARS L556S_CT 6.627514e-38 1.185861 ***
33 R326H_ARS L556S_ARS 4.839017e-01 -0.101098
34 R326H_ARS L556S_GLU-40min 1.076544e-01 -0.230166
35 R326H_GLU-40min R326H_GLU-40min 1.000000e+00 0.000000
36 R326H_GLU-40min L556S_CT 1.475635e-41 0.922075 ***
37 R326H_GLU-40min L556S_ARS 4.328833e-02 -0.152074 *
38 R326H_GLU-40min L556S_GLU-40min 1.221306e-03 -0.283064 **
39 L556S_CT L556S_CT 1.000000e+00 0.000000
40 L556S_CT L556S_ARS 9.611689e-44 -1.155181 ***
41 L556S_CT L556S_GLU-40min 2.955185e-52 -0.999123 ***
42 L556S_ARS L556S_ARS 1.000000e+00 0.000000
43 L556S_ARS L556S_GLU-40min 3.859191e-01 -0.143939
44 L556S_GLU-40min L556S_GLU-40min 1.000000e+00 0.000000

3.3 Stress granule count excluding cells without stress granules

In this section we report the results of the Mann-Whitney U test for stress granule count excluding cells with 0 stress granules.

The table below shows the results of the Mann-Whitney U test for stress granule count excluding cells with 0 stress granules.

a b pval effsize sig
0 WT_CT WT_CT 1.000000e+00 0.000000
1 WT_CT WT_ARS 3.824093e-07 -0.611783 ***
2 WT_CT WT_GLU-40min 3.670507e-15 -0.935183 ***
3 WT_CT R326H_CT 5.257235e-01 0.230145
4 WT_CT R326H_ARS 1.184435e-17 -1.128065 ***
5 WT_CT R326H_GLU-40min 2.790425e-17 -0.937493 ***
6 WT_CT L556S_CT 2.799336e-01 -0.190382
7 WT_CT L556S_ARS 1.051417e-15 -1.000541 ***
8 WT_CT L556S_GLU-40min 9.477464e-21 -1.006275 ***
9 WT_ARS WT_ARS 1.000000e+00 0.000000
10 WT_ARS WT_GLU-40min 8.794329e-09 -0.489219 ***
11 WT_ARS R326H_CT 1.507377e-02 0.689982 *
12 WT_ARS R326H_ARS 4.592835e-12 -0.732544 ***
13 WT_ARS R326H_GLU-40min 2.396019e-12 -0.623158 ***
14 WT_ARS L556S_CT 1.891038e-05 0.479447 ***
15 WT_ARS L556S_ARS 4.568672e-11 -0.732144 ***
16 WT_ARS L556S_GLU-40min 1.476676e-21 -0.849846 ***
17 WT_GLU-40min WT_GLU-40min 1.000000e+00 0.000000
18 WT_GLU-40min R326H_CT 7.363865e-04 0.964492 ***
19 WT_GLU-40min R326H_ARS 2.773498e-02 -0.226022 *
20 WT_GLU-40min R326H_GLU-40min 6.965504e-02 -0.201839
21 WT_GLU-40min L556S_CT 3.384915e-14 0.843682 ***
22 WT_GLU-40min L556S_ARS 2.559875e-02 -0.307523 *
23 WT_GLU-40min L556S_GLU-40min 5.534880e-08 -0.550711 ***
24 R326H_CT R326H_CT 1.000000e+00 0.000000
25 R326H_CT R326H_ARS 1.373146e-04 -1.072151 ***
26 R326H_CT R326H_GLU-40min 3.166547e-04 -0.937101 ***
27 R326H_CT L556S_CT 2.967821e-01 -0.363509
28 R326H_CT L556S_ARS 4.714899e-04 -0.954757 ***
29 R326H_CT L556S_GLU-40min 1.124235e-04 -0.982660 ***
30 R326H_ARS R326H_ARS 1.000000e+00 0.000000
31 R326H_ARS R326H_GLU-40min 5.339796e-01 0.004725
32 R326H_ARS L556S_CT 8.394619e-17 1.048618 ***
33 R326H_ARS L556S_ARS 9.297615e-01 -0.094989
34 R326H_ARS L556S_GLU-40min 1.086864e-02 -0.353916 *
35 R326H_GLU-40min R326H_GLU-40min 1.000000e+00 0.000000
36 R326H_GLU-40min L556S_CT 1.396449e-16 0.871550 ***
37 R326H_GLU-40min L556S_ARS 4.883719e-01 -0.096419
38 R326H_GLU-40min L556S_GLU-40min 2.541097e-04 -0.366941 ***
39 L556S_CT L556S_CT 1.000000e+00 0.000000
40 L556S_CT L556S_ARS 4.434595e-15 -0.943877 ***
41 L556S_CT L556S_GLU-40min 5.283970e-21 -0.967545 ***
42 L556S_ARS L556S_ARS 1.000000e+00 0.000000
43 L556S_ARS L556S_GLU-40min 1.248802e-02 -0.270989 *
44 L556S_GLU-40min L556S_GLU-40min 1.000000e+00 0.000000

3.4 Number of stress granules per group-treatment

The table below shows the number of stress granules per group-treatment and some descritive statistics.

area perimeter eccentricity
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max count mean ... 75% max count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
group treatment
L556S ARS 691.0 1.666607 1.091191 0.486 0.8748 1.3608 2.1060 9.6228 691.0 4.356356 ... 5.171026 20.578662 691.0 0.627862 0.184972 0.000000 0.513572 0.625943 0.766329 0.986992
CT 180.0 1.265400 0.751034 0.486 0.7128 1.0368 1.5876 5.0544 180.0 3.680375 ... 4.301909 13.844104 180.0 0.589241 0.191811 0.000000 0.474023 0.588505 0.728852 0.982201
GLU-40min 1332.0 2.096149 1.434272 0.486 1.0044 1.6848 2.7540 10.4976 1332.0 4.983623 ... 5.934701 17.927636 1332.0 0.646837 0.183042 0.000000 0.523866 0.649439 0.789965 0.983591
R326H ARS 605.0 1.882627 1.120533 0.486 1.0044 1.6848 2.5272 7.4196 605.0 4.665341 ... 5.680143 17.996896 605.0 0.639020 0.181585 0.000000 0.510215 0.642449 0.776232 0.980406
CT 14.0 0.891000 0.309403 0.486 0.7371 0.8100 1.0611 1.5228 14.0 2.971227 ... 3.327351 4.047351 14.0 0.561236 0.114290 0.426655 0.491940 0.521188 0.588426 0.830147
GLU-40min 999.0 1.997708 1.271337 0.486 0.9720 1.6524 2.7216 7.2576 999.0 4.838104 ... 6.040143 13.098519 999.0 0.682040 0.168841 0.000000 0.565697 0.691411 0.819727 0.971741
WT ARS 552.0 1.631563 0.921098 0.486 0.9072 1.4256 2.1060 6.1884 552.0 4.269373 ... 5.171026 12.229403 552.0 0.630785 0.174492 0.000000 0.516561 0.629057 0.761414 0.983689
CT 118.0 1.186169 0.828374 0.486 0.6804 0.9558 1.4094 6.6096 118.0 3.505283 ... 4.126432 9.894701 118.0 0.592587 0.178478 0.000000 0.502130 0.584013 0.705129 0.978226
GLU-40min 857.0 2.007704 1.188982 0.486 1.1016 1.7820 2.6244 11.5020 857.0 4.887295 ... 5.822864 19.542338 857.0 0.675274 0.168816 0.000000 0.565575 0.688883 0.801755 0.982561

9 rows × 24 columns