title: Image Analysis
jupyter: python3
Confocal microscopy images were analyzed using a custom Python pipeline. Maximum intensity Z-projections were generated for both DAPI and GFP channels. For granule detection, the GFP channel was preprocessed using Difference of Gaussians filtering (σ₁ = 3.0, σ₂ = 4.8) to enhance punctate structures while suppressing background noise. Granules were segmented using a global intensity threshold of 0.0009, followed by removal of objects smaller than 15 pixels and those touching image borders.
Cell segmentation was performed using Cellpose v3.1 [ @stringerCellposeGeneralistAlgorithm2021 ] with the cyto3 model [ @stringerCellpose3OneclickImage2024 ] . Prior to segmentation, images were preprocessed with Gaussian smoothing (σ = 0.5 for GFP and σ = 1.0 for DAPI channels) and intensity rescaling to the [ 0,1 ] range. The model was configured with a target cell diameter of 100 pixels and minimum size threshold of 30 pixels. Cell masks were expanded by 5 pixels and border-touching cells were excluded from analysis.
Morphometric measurements including area, perimeter, and eccentricity were calculated for both granules and cells using scikit-image v0.24 [ @waltScikitimageImageProcessing2014 ] . All measurements were converted to physical units using the microscope's calibrated pixel size (0.18 µm/pixel). For each cell, the number of contained granules was counted and normalized to cell area. The analysis pipeline was implemented in Python using cellpose, scikit-image, numpy, pandas and plotting libraries matplotlib, seaborn and microfilm v0.2.1.
# image analysis
import imageio.v3 as iio
from cellpose import models
from skimage.exposure import rescale_intensity
from skimage.filters import gaussian, difference_of_gaussians
from skimage.morphology import remove_small_objects
from skimage.measure import label, regionprops, regionprops_table
from skimage.color import label2rgb
from skimage.segmentation import clear_border, expand_labels
# general
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re
from glob import glob
from os.path import basename
# plot libs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from microfilm import microplot
# pixel size = 0.18um
"data/ome-tiff/ddx3x_R326H/*.ome.tif" ,
"data/ome-tiff/ddx3x_wt/*.ome.tif" ,
"data/ome-tiff/ddx3x_L556S/*.ome.tif" ]
def save_sample_images(fig_title, im_nuclei, im_cytoplasm, im_cytoplasm_filtered, im_granules_labeled, cells_labeled):
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1 ,3 , constrained_layout= True )
im_cyto_g = gaussian(im_cytoplasm, 3 )
im_nuclei_g = gaussian(im_nuclei, 1 )
min_nuclei, max_nuclei = np.quantile(im_nuclei_g, [0.01 , 0.999 ])
min_cyto, max_cyto = np.quantile(im_cyto_g, [0.2 , 0.999 ])
images= [im_nuclei_g, im_cyto_g],
cmaps= ["pure_blue" , "pure_green" ],
ax= axs[0 ],
label_text= fig_title,
label_font_size= 5 ,
unit= 'um' ,
scalebar_unit_per_pix= 0.18 , scalebar_size_in_units= 5 ,
scalebar_font_size= 10 , scalebar_thickness= 0.01 ,
rescale_type= 'limits' ,
limits= [[min_nuclei, max_nuclei], [min_cyto, max_cyto]])
images= [im_cytoplasm_filtered],
cmaps= ["magma" ],
ax= axs[1 ],
rescale_type= 'limits' ,
limits= [[0 ,0.005 ]])
axs[2 ].imshow(im_cytoplasm, cmap= 'gray' )
axs[2 ].imshow(label2rgb(cells_labeled), alpha= 0.1 )
# axs[2].imshow(label2rgb(im_granules_labeled), alpha=0.1)
axs[2 ].contour(cells_labeled, colors= 'white' , linewidths= 0.1 )
axs[2 ].contour(im_granules_labeled, colors= 'yellow' , linewidths= 0.1 )
axs[2 ].axis("off" )
# this line is specific to these data
# fig_basename = re.search(r'\[(.*?)]', im_fn).group(1)
# fig.suptitle(f'Image: {fig_basename}', fontsize=8)
axs[0 ].set_title('Maximum projection' , fontsize= 6 )
axs[1 ].set_title('Channel after filtering' , fontsize= 6 )
axs[2 ].set_title('Detected cells and granules' , fontsize= 6 )
fig.savefig(f'figures/ { fig_title} .png' , bbox_inches = 'tight' , pad_inches = 0 , dpi= 600 )
# fig.savefig(f'figures/{fig_basename}.pdf', bbox_inches = 'tight', pad_inches = 0, dpi=600)
# fig.savefig(f'figures/{fig_basename}.svg', bbox_inches = 'tight', pad_inches = 0, dpi=600)
def get_treatment_from_image_filename(im_fn):
if "ARS" in im_fn:
return 'ARS'
elif 'GLU-40min' in im_fn:
return 'GLU-40min'
elif 'CT' in im_fn:
return 'CT'
else :
raise (f"Fail in extract group from filename" , im_fn)
def get_image_number_from_image_filename(im_fn):
match = re.search(r'img(\d+)' , im_fn)
image_number = match.group(1 ) if match else 'unknown'
return int (image_number)
def get_group_from_path(im_path):
if 'ddx3x_wt' in im_path:
return 'WT'
elif 'ddx3x_R326H' in im_path:
return 'R326H'
elif 'ddx3x_L556S' in im_path:
return 'L556S'
model = models.CellposeModel(gpu= True , model_type= 'cyto3' )
# Lists to store data for both dataframes
granule_data = []
cell_data = []
# plot
fig_example, axs = plt.subplots(9 ,3 , figsize= (9 ,28 ))
example_number = 3
idx = 0
for im_path in IMAGES_PATH:
for im_fn in glob(im_path):
if get_treatment_from_image_filename(im_fn) == 'GLU-20min' :
# skip 20min GLU
#read image
im = iio.imread(im_fn)
# maximum intensity projection
im_nuclei = im[0 ].max (axis= 0 ) # nuclei is the first channel
im_cytoplasm = im[1 ].max (axis= 0 ) # cytoplasm is the second channel
# Process cytoplasm and find granules
im_cytoplasm_filtered = difference_of_gaussians(im_cytoplasm, 3 )
threshold = 0.0009 # we use a fixed global threshould because all images were collected at the same intensity
im_granules = im_cytoplasm_filtered > threshold
im_granules = remove_small_objects(im_granules, 15 )
im_granules_labeled = clear_border(label(im_granules))
# Get granule properties
granule_props = regionprops_table(im_granules_labeled,
properties= ['label' , 'area' , 'centroid' ,
'eccentricity' , 'perimeter' ])
# match = re.search(r'imagem(\d+)', im_fn)
# image_number = match.group(1) if match else 'unknown'
granule_props['area' ] = granule_props['area' ] * PIXEL_SIZE * PIXEL_SIZE
granule_props['perimeter' ] = granule_props['perimeter' ] * PIXEL_SIZE
image_number = get_image_number_from_image_filename(im_fn)
granule_props['image_number' ] = image_number
# granule_props['group'] = basename(im_fn).split(".lif")[0]
image_treatment = get_treatment_from_image_filename(im_fn)
granule_props['treatment' ] = image_treatment
image_group = get_group_from_path(im_path)
granule_props['group' ]= image_group
# Segment cells with cellpose
# preprocessing to improve cellpose segmentation
im_cyto_pre = gaussian(im_cytoplasm, sigma= 0.5 )
im_cyto_pre = rescale_intensity(im_cyto_pre,out_range= (0 ,1 ))
im_nuclei_pre = gaussian(im_nuclei, sigma= 1 )
im_nuclei_pre = rescale_intensity(im_nuclei_pre,out_range= (0 ,1 ))
im_to_cellpose = np.stack([im_cyto_pre, im_nuclei_pre], axis= 0 )
masks, flows, styles = model.eval (im_to_cellpose, channels= [0 ,1 ], diameter= 100 , min_size= 30 )
cells_labeled = clear_border(expand_labels(masks, 5 ))
# Process each cell
for cell in regionprops(cells_labeled):
cell_mask = cells_labeled == cell.label
granules_in_cell = im_granules_labeled[cell_mask]
granule_count = len (np.unique(granules_in_cell[granules_in_cell > 0 ]))
cell_area = cell.area * PIXEL_SIZE * PIXEL_SIZE
'treatment' : image_treatment,
'group' : image_group,
'image_number' : image_number,
'cell_label' : cell.label,
'cell_area' : cell_area,
'granule_count' : granule_count,
'granules_per_area' : granule_count / cell_area if cell_area > 0 else 0
fig_title = f"DDX3X- { image_group} - { image_treatment} -img { image_number} "
if image_number == example_number:
# plot one image from each group
im_cyto_g = gaussian(im_cytoplasm, 3 )
im_nuclei_g = gaussian(im_nuclei, 1 )
min_nuclei, max_nuclei = np.quantile(im_nuclei_g, [0.01 , 0.999 ])
min_cyto, max_cyto = np.quantile(im_cyto_g, [0.2 , 0.999 ])
images= [im_nuclei_g, im_cyto_g],
cmaps= ["pure_blue" , "pure_green" ],
ax= axs[idx, 0 ],
label_text= fig_title,
label_font_size= 5 ,
unit= 'um' ,
scalebar_unit_per_pix= 0.18 , scalebar_size_in_units= 5 ,
scalebar_font_size= 10 , scalebar_thickness= 0.01 ,
rescale_type= 'limits' ,
limits= [[min_nuclei, max_nuclei], [min_cyto, max_cyto]])
images= [im_cytoplasm_filtered],
cmaps= ["magma" ],
ax= axs[idx,1 ],
rescale_type= 'limits' ,
limits= [[0 ,0.005 ]])
axs[idx,2 ].imshow(im_cytoplasm, cmap= "gray" )
axs[idx,2 ].imshow(label2rgb(cells_labeled), alpha= 0.1 )
axs[idx,2 ].contour(cells_labeled, colors= 'white' , linewidths= 0.1 )
axs[idx,2 ].contour(im_granules_labeled, colors= 'yellow' , linewidths= 0.1 )
axs[idx,2 ].axis("off" )
# names and labels
if idx == 0 :
axs[idx, 0 ].set_title('Maximum projection' , fontsize= 8 )
axs[idx, 1 ].set_title('Channel after filtering' , fontsize= 8 )
axs[idx, 2 ].set_title('Detected cells and granules' , fontsize= 8 )
idx += 1
# save all images to verify the quality
save_sample_images(fig_title, im_nuclei, im_cytoplasm, im_cytoplasm_filtered, im_granules_labeled, cells_labeled)
# Create final dataframes
granules_df = pd.concat(granule_data, ignore_index= True )
cells_df = pd.DataFrame(cell_data)
# Save figure with examples
fig_example.savefig('figures/examples.png' , bbox_inches = 'tight' , pad_inches = 0 , dpi= 600 )
fig_example.savefig('figures/example.pdf' , bbox_inches = 'tight' , pad_inches = 0 , dpi= 600 )
fig_example.savefig('figures/example.svg' , bbox_inches = 'tight' , pad_inches = 0 , dpi= 600 )
cells_df.to_csv("output/granules_per_cell.csv" , index= False )
granules_df.to_csv("output/granule_area.csv" , index= False )